Church v KFC

Posted: June 16, 2010 in Church, News
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Well I read about St James Church in Oldham losing the fight against KFC opening a drive through, and we started wondering about possible positive reactions they could be doing:

  1. Sing Louder.
  2. Have youthgroup meetings there (righteous revenge?)
  3. Neighbourhood cleanups  (invite the press?)
  4. Sign up to the Twitter account.
  5. Ask KFC to sponsor  events.
  6. Get Mr Plumpton to smile.
  7. Instead of going to the pub after the evening service – go to KFC.
  8. Instead of going to the pub for Sunday lunch – go to KFC…

There’ll be more when I think of them…

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by wildrockhoney, scribbledfish. scribbledfish said: Church v KFC: […]

  2. Joan says:

    Hi! Wow! If the 18 fast food places all in that area have drive-thru speakers, that must be a cacophony! Even 2 or 3 are bad enough! Here in Pottstown, PA our fast food places are all on the edge of town, while the older center of town is undergoing renewal. Little shops occupy most of town, and people have redone the buildings over to look as they originally did. I never could figure out why fast food drive-thru speakers have to be so loud. We have a regular Leave It To Beaver early-60s typical American manicured lawn surburban neighborhood and across the small railroad tracks is a Home Depot. People next to us have had a conflict with the store as to why their outdoor speaker for music and paging has to be loud and it echoes depending on wind direction. I’m used to it and mostly don’t even notice it. I love it in summer when I work in the yard but especially at Christmas time when they put on Halloween-thru-Dec. Christmas radio and I’m out decorating.

  3. Joan says:

    PS: I have noticed though that Home Depot doesn’t have it as loud as they used to and don’t have music on as late in the day unless it is Christmas time. I can understand though why a church wouldn’t want to be having a nice thought-provoking sermon and be interrupted with “You want a breast and thigh with that!”.

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